0.50" reel tape

For all formats on this page, also please look at the Noise Reduction page.

2-channel is a popular mastering format.

Note: There appears to be some discrepancy on the track widths of this format. Please see the discussion here: track configurations

2-Channel 3M DynaTrack is explained briefly here. While this was a 2-channel system, it used 4 tracks.

3-channel was a popular recording format in the 1950s and 1960s. The Ampex paper referenced under 2-track 1/2-inch tape shows this format to be three 100 mil tracks and two 85 mil guard bands.

4-channel was used in television production and music recording. It was also used in some siturations as duplication running masters. This was shown in the 1960 Ampex paper as it remained, four 70 mil tracks and three 60 mil guard bands.

For the following two formats, please see the discussion on the Equalization page.

8-channel was a music recording format.

16-channel was a more budget-oriented music recording format.

See also: equalization, noise reduction, reels & hubs, speeds, synchronization, tape timing, tape winding, and track configurations.