Technical Requirements...

Davy the Punk has been designed to work in a variety of halls, whether soft-seaters, studio theatres or community halls. Its technical set up is quite simple.

Stage and props

Bob performs in a small space, usually downstage left, moving among 3 positions set up in an area as small as 6 feet by 6 feet, though preferably 8 feet by 8 feet.

For props he needs only a high stool and a lectern or Manhasset-type music stand. (In some instances, depending on the venue and how he is arriving, Bob can provide everything the show needs himself.)


The performance area can be lit as one setting . There are no light cues.

Projection of images

In addition to the performance area, the show requires a scrim or screen onto which images can be projected by a digital projector. The lighting needs to be focused so that Bob can be lit without excessive bleed onto the screen. Ideally, the images should be projected large onto a scrim on the back wall of the space. However, in smaller or more simply equipped venues, the pictures can be projected onto a screen set up stage right.

Bob changes the images himself by remote control. The venue needs to provide a digital projector and a line that will connect to the normal monitor jack of a laptop computer. (Again, in some instances, depending on the venue and how he is arriving, Bob can provide the digital projector.)


In an intimate space (seating 60 or so) no sound amplification or reinforcement is needed. In a medium-sized hall, Bob will plug his guitar into a DI box, and use one vocal mic (SM 58 or equivalent) on a boom stand for the songs. In a large hall, all three of his performing positions should be mic-ed with vocal mics on boom stands.

In some instances, by prior arrangement, Bob can provide the sound system.


That’s it.